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The cost of living a lavish lifestyle is high, and Marcella's determined to succeed. What does a girl from Ohio with nothing to lose do to survive in New York City? Welcome to her world of sex, drugs, and toxic relationships.
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Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Bianca attempts to rescue her kidnapped children while being hunted for a murder she did or did not commit.
Coming Soon

A psychiatrist by day and jazz musician by night, Miles Parish meets world-renown ballerina Francine Jackson while on the train during a city-wide blackout. Upon meeting, they soon discover that they can read each other’s minds. Miles can’t ignore their telepathic connection and intense attraction while Francine struggles to accept their bizarre phenomenon.
“The Devil Wears Prada" Meets "Sex and the City" in Story of Manhattan's Corporate World in 'The End of May. "
J. Raditch, Berkely College
“The acclaimed The End of May exceeded my expectation and The Gallucci Gallery is the sheer definition of creative writing. Grandeur Publishing produces the most unique and binge-worth stories on the market to date..”
The Book Commentary
"A Triumph for fans of literary fiction with believable and solidly--written characters."
New York-based writer Kem Richards––well known for his ability to bring his complex characters to life, has gained considerable popularity for his latest work, The End of May. A writer of Chick-Lit and Romance, Richards has been described as a ‘visual and diverse writer.’ His stories are filled with exceptional detail––tapping into your intellectuality while prodding your curiosity with his refreshing style.
Kem was not born at the end of May but still holds a fondness for the month and the years he spent admiring big-city skylines as a child. His bachelor’s degree in Music Business did little to assist with the actual writing process; however, his experiences in the entertainment and travel industries; history as a real estate agent, and time at Sony Music provided insurmountable riveting plot inspiration that is sure to keep the pages turning throughout this debut novel and upcoming bestseller.
With the literary talent of many books distributed across the country, Richards fell in love with writing because “It allowed me to learn a deep and undiscovered territory within myself. I soon discovered my imagination's unlimited and vast capabilities,” Richards says. To him, writing isn’t just about creativity, it’s about expansion and self-expression. Richards started writing because, like, many he had a story to tell––a story he believed many could relate to. “The moment I had a completely mapped-out storyline for The End of May, my creativity overflowed. There were no barriers for me.”
Richards has appeared on numerous media platforms such as The New York Weekly and Voraka Magazine. In addition to writing, Richards is also a lover of architecture, science, sports, and art. He finds the art of storytelling to be thrilling and exciting. “We all have a story to tell whether fact or fiction, and I adore inspiring people through my work,” says Richards.
He can often be found writing at home, at Starbucks, or at a local library in Manhattan, absorbing the inspiration that encompasses him. Richards’ writing is often a reflection of his life experiences, hardships, and his loved ones who inspired and changed his life. “Society tells us to ‘chase your dreams.’ Don’t chase them. Attract them. The more you chase something, the more it runs away from you. Do the work and watch all the pieces fall into place,” he says.
In addition to The End of May, Richards is working on many other stories such as ‘Fireworks for Francine’ and ‘House of Hollander.’ He also writes different genres––psychological thrillers under the pseudonym 'K.B. Richards.' Be on the lookout for many upcoming thrilling dramas in 2024 and 2025.